Материалы по Прологу  

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1.3. Представление предикатных сетей на языке Пролог

Глава 1. Моделирование параллельных дискретных систем с использованием предикатных сетей, интерпретируемых на языке Пролог

ПРОЛОГ - язык логического программирования

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Последняя версия Visual Prolog с разбором примеров SENAN и GEOBASE

И со ссылками на бесплатную версию, которую можно скачать


SENAN (разбор предложения можно произвести, не скачивая сам ПРОЛОГ)

The file SEN_AN is a very good example of an English sentence analyzer. The program can, just like the GEOBASE example, easily be modified to be able to parse more types of sentences.
The input to the sentence analyzer is a sentence, and the output is a list of Prolog clauses, that shows all parts of the sentence that have been recognized as grammatical components: verbp (for verbphrase), nounp (for nounphrase) etc.



Хорошие лекции по Прологу

Разбор Вопросно-ответной системы GEOBASE (с запросом на ЕЯ)

Geobase demonstrates a natural language interface to a database on U.S. geography written in Visual Prolog.. It shouldn''t be too difficult to modify it to your own purposes, so that this will be the first step on the way to designing natural language interfaces to your programs. As all Prolog programs, Geobase is highly extendible. Try yourself to extend Geobase rule base, so that Geobase can manage more sentences. It isn''t that difficult! Geobase allows you to query its database in English rather than "computerese"-commands.

Geobase is by no means a complete geographical database of the United States, nor is it a complete English language interface. If you plan to write similar routines in your own programs, studying how the code is put together and how certain routines are implemented should help. Again, we urge you to modify Geobase to be a more complete program. This will not only sharpen your Visual Prolog programming skills, but it will also keep you off the streets late at night.

You can access the information stored in the Geobase database with natural language (in this case, the natural language is English). The database supplied with Geobase is built upon the geography of the United States. You can enter queries (questions) in English and Geobase will parse (translate) these questions into a form that Visual Prolog understands. Geobase will give answers to the queries to the best of its knowledge. The Geobase application demonstrates one of the important areas where Visual Prolog shines: understanding natural language.

One of the most exciting features of Geobase is that you can examine and edit the source code. The code of Geobase is fully documented; you can take any section and modify it to suit your needs. Take a look at the database and modify it to include your home town! Soon you''ll be on the road to creating your own natural language interfaces.

Sample queries:
What are the cities of New York?
What is the highest mountain in California?
What are the name of the states which border New Mexico?
Which rivers run through the state that border the state with the capital Olympia?


Еще более простое введение в Пролог

Самое короткое введение в Пролог

Еще один вариант Турбо-Пролога - без программ Geobase и SENAN - но с другими примерами

Еще коллекция ссылок - на отдельном сайте
Есть даже запуск агента из Пролога
Ссылки на Пролог версия 5.2

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