Некоторые новые материалы и определения в курсе 2003-2004 учебного года


Реальное упоминание термина "реификация" в конференции -


This is actually consistent with how we are modeling it. Start with point to point:

(bs1) -> (bs2)

where bs1, bs2 are business systems containing software components (A system owns software components). The arrow in the middle gets REIFIED, because it is also a system containing the integration componentry:

(bs1) ->(is1) -> (bs2)

which turns the arrows into simple links with no associated software components.

Publish subscribe semantics are modeled thus:

...........................................->(is2) -> (bs2)
(bs1) ->(is1) -> (ts1)-->>
...........................................->(is3) -> (bs3)

(здесь идет распараллеливание процесса 1 на строчку выше и ниже - на процессы 2 и 3, что трудно передать доступными на этом сайте средствами)

"ts1" stands for "topic system" which is a virtual system as you suggest. Since it's REIFIED as a system, it can now hook up to interface systems that in turn feed business systems, and publisher and subscriber are decoupled in the graph.

The data structures being moved by the infrastructure are represented as CWM Record (for flat files) or XML objects, which are tied to a concept of "port" which at a micro level is where the association is attached to the system.






We used used to throw "reification" around a lot in psychology department bull-sessions, a few decades ago, so it is not new. How about this discussion, from Wikipedia:


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Reification, also called hypostatization, is the logical fallacy of regarding an abstract concept, such as "society" or "technology" as if it were a concrete thing.

This fallacy is committed when manipulations that are only possible on concrete things are said to be done on an abstract concept. The fallacy is also committed when an abstract concept is referred to as if it bore no relation to the concrete things that it is an abstraction of.

Note that this fallacy assumes the world-view of epistemological realism. Reification is not regarded as a fallacy by those who take up the viewpoint of epistemological idealism.

In knowledge representation, reification is sometimes used to represent facts that must then be manipulated in some way, for example to compare logical assertions from different witnesses to determine their credibility. The message "John is six feet tall" is an assertion of truth that commits the sender to the fact, whereas the reified statement, "Mary reports that John is six feet tall" defers this commitment to Mary. In this way, the statements can be incompatible without creating contradictions in reasoning."

G. Michael Zimmer, Senior Coordinator, Methods and Procedures,
Ministry of Health Services and Ministry of Health Planning
Government of British Columbia


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